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  • šŸ„› 4 lessons from trading a memecoin...šŸ§

šŸ„› 4 lessons from trading a memecoin...šŸ§

PLUS: ETH is pumping. Here's why šŸ‘€

Todayā€™s edition is brought to you by Uniswap ā€” the largest onchain marketplace for digital assets ā€” and now Android and iOS users have the power of Uniswap in their pocket.

GM, this is Milk Road, the friend who makes sure you never skip a beat in crypto.

Ok. I have a confessionā€¦I did something I said Iā€™d never do.

If my mom knew, sheā€™d give me the ā€œtsk tsk tskā€ and a 2-hour lecture... 

If my wife knew, Iā€™d be sleeping on the couch for the next monthā€¦ 

ā€¦ in a whispering voice... I went memecoin trading. 

Thatā€™s right. I did it. Itā€™s all people have been talking about lately and ignoring it was like ignoring the last cookie in the jarā€¦ 

So, I tried it and now Iā€™m back with stories (and scars) to tell.  

Most of todayā€™s edition will be about that, but hereā€™s what else is on the menu:

  • 3 reasons ETH is pumping šŸ‘€

  • Lessons from trading a Solana memecoin šŸ§

  • MicroStrategy bought another $615M worth of BTC šŸŖ


ETH is in the GREEN, baby! Itā€™s up 6% over the last 24 hours and hit its highest price of the year.

Suddenly, everyoneā€™s #TeamETH againā€¦

So, why is ETH pumping? There are a few theoriesā€¦

  • The Dencun upgrade is coming in early 2024. This upgrade will significantly lower fees for Layer 2ā€™s (L2s) and make ETH more competitive with Layer 1ā€™s like Solana.

  • Many are anticipating an ETH ETF to launch at some point next year. And many expect that attention will shift to this narrative right after the Bitcoin ETF is announced.

  • Thereā€™s a lot of excitement around Eigenlayer and restaking. When the sector fully develops, ETH staking rates are expected to skyrocket and raise the demand for the token.

Itā€™s not just ETH going up in price eitherā€¦ L2ā€™s like Arbitrum, Polygon, and Optimism are up this week.

Ahh, nothing like waking up and smelling the roses green prices.

At this time, a major use case of crypto is to trade crypto.

And when it comes to trading crypto, you need a trusted platform to swap and secure your digital assets.

Well, Uniswapā€™s mobile app was designed for efficient swapping. All with asset security at the forefront.

Hereā€™s how Uniswapā€™s mobile app delivers the perfect swap:

  • Swaps directly with the largest and most trusted DEX, while benefiting from the best prices, built-in MEV protection, and self-custody of assets.

  • The app provides best-in-class security by design, backed by an audit from Trail of Bits.

  • Users have the flexibility of importing their wallet or creating a new one through a quick and seamless experience.

  • A wide range of built-in features allow users to receive transaction notifications, view data charts and analytics, and view tokens and NFTs with no custom configuration.

And itā€™s all from the comfort of your pocket.


Ok. First things firstā€¦ whyā€™d I go Solana memecoin trading? 

Here are 3 reasons, not named ā€œitā€™s about the moneyā€:

1/ All the hype has been around Solana tokens lately. Itā€™s like hearing music bumping at the house next door and youā€™re just sitting in your house knittingā€¦ 

At some point, you have to put the yarn down and go check out the party.

2/ I wanted to see what trading was like on Solana. I used it back in 2021 but stopped last year after all the outages and drama. Plus, I got rugged on an NFT project there. 

I was finally ready to give it a *second chance*.

3/ Ok, fineā€¦ itā€™s partially about the money. After writing about the traders who turned $16K ā†’ $12M and $50 ā†’ $100Kā€¦ I got a whiff of the degeneracy and wanted to give it a go.

Side note: This degenerate move was also sponsored byā€¦ my wife's grandma, Nana. 

This was the first Christmas I was a ā€œhusbandā€. And for the last 5 years, Iā€™ve gotten the ā€œboyfriend Christmas giftā€ (fresh socks and white tees) from Nana.

This year I got married and entered the big leagues (fresh socks, white tees, AND $250). It also came with a note: ā€œUse this to buy more doggycoins.ā€ 

You got it, Nana! I took my $250 and entered the Degenā€™s Denā€¦

Btw, Iā€™m not gonna focus on which token I bought. Why? Because, honestly, it doesnā€™t matter. 

At the end of the day, itā€™s a sh*tcoin. And Iā€™m not here to promote it. Iā€™m here to tell you the lessons.

Letā€™s dive in. 

1/ The user experience on Solana was fast, cheap, and smooth. 

The #1 thing that stood out from the experience wasā€¦cheap gas fees

Iā€™ve historically used Ethereum, where gas fees can hit triple digits ($100+) when the network is busy. You canā€™t tell if youā€™re buying stuff on Ethereum or Ticketmasterā€¦

Solanaā€™s fees (on average) are less than $0.01.

2/ Know your role and play your role.

Iā€™m a sh*tty day trader. I donā€™t have the time, skills, or patience for it.

There, I said it.

And honestly. Iā€™d rather stare at the sun for 9 hours straight than stare at graphs all day. This is what my experience was like:

  • Look at the graphā€¦ price up 30%. 

  • Go to the bathroomā€¦ price down 40%. 

  • Take a sip of coffeeā€¦ price back up 20%. 

(At one point, I was convinced every time I drank coffee, the price would go up. I ran upstairs, chugged the rest of the coffee pot, ran back downstairs andā€¦ the price was down 25% šŸ¤¬).

It was at this moment I realized, this just wasnā€™t for me. And thatā€™s okā€¦ there are plenty of other ways to make money in crypto. 

Stick to your strengths and your favorite narratives. (DeFi, staking, yield farming, NFTs, etc.).

3/ Be wary of the profit prophets

One of the main reasons I bought the Solana-Memecoin-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is becauseā€¦

I noticed A LOT of people I follow on social media talking about it. 

Discord. Twitter. It was everywhere. And it was from people I trusted. 

But what I realized was that some of these are coordinated pump-and-dumpsā€¦

Be careful not to get caught up in the mess andā€¦

4/ Donā€™t be blind to counterarguments.

A big mistake investors make is to look at bullish takes on a coin and brush off the negative ones as "coping/fudding."

(Fudding = spreading fear, uncertainty, and doubt).

  • Twitter user (@FreddieRaynolds) explained how Luna could collapse. People mocked and laughed at him, but a few months laterā€¦ Luna collapsed.

  • Ishan Bhaidani called out the FTX ponzi. People mocked and laughed at him, but a few months laterā€¦ FTX collapsed. 

The lesson: Look at bull/bear outlooks and form your own decision.

Ok, this is getting a little long and my editor looks like heā€™s about to smack me with the force of 1,000 Will Smiths if I go any longer. 

Stay thirsty and talk to you tomorrow, 

-The Milk Man


MicroStrategy bought another 14,620 BTC, worth $615M. Microstrategy is now up over $2B on their Bitcoin position. There truly is no second best.

Cathie Wood says Bitcoin will replace goldAt the same time, Cathieā€™s ARK Invest fund has actively been selling Coinbase and GBTC shares.

Coinbase, Galaxy, Polygon, Multicoin, and other top crypto VCs share their 2024 funding outlook. Dive into predictions from some of the biggest names in the industry!

Crypto users lost $2b to hacks, scams, and exploits in 2023. The dark side of an explosive year for the industry.

Dopex is a decentralized options exchange focusing on calls and puts across Arbitrum and Polygon. In addition to a wide range of options vaults, Dopex offers advanced speculation instruments, including concentrated liquidity options and synthetic yield-bearing tokens. Check out our review of their platform here!

*This is sponsored content


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